Lyzozyme is a natural antimicrobial and antiviral enzyme which was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1921 . Now Lysozyme produced from Hen egg white.
Lysozyme is an enzyme that is naturally present in substantial amounts in avian eggs and mammalian milk and is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for direct addition to foods. The lysozyme from the hen egg white is especially widely reported for its application as an antimicrobial in food products and is also commonly used as a preservative in fish and fish products, meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, and fruits and vegetables (Gyawali and Ibrahim, 2014). The enormous importance that lysozyme holds in the field of food applications can be seen from the fact that even the World Health Organization (WHO) allow the use of lysozyme as a preservative in foods. Currently, it is being used in Chinese noodles, cheese, sushi, kimuchi pickles, and wine production (Abeyrathne et al., 2013).